Many children choose to retaliate when they do not like something another child has done. They may slap, bite, pinch, scratch, shove, kick, or knock down other children. Many times they use force because it is the easiest way to get what they want. They also may model aggressive behaviors from others.

Going Trick or Treating with Kids

“I am going to get so much candy this year. We need to make sure to go to our neighbor’s house first as they always give away a lot of candy,” said the eight year old boy. His four year old sister responded, “Do they really give all that candy? I am scared of that…

Time for Back to School Check-Ups

As the start of the school year comes, it is time for children and adolescents to get their annual check-ups. Most families make the trip to their pediatrician prior to school to get sports physicals or various vaccinations that schools require. The benefits of annual well-child check-ups go beyond meeting school’s requirements. The check-up is…

Looking Out for Siblings of Disabled Children

There are sounds of objects crashing into walls and screaming. The girl hurries out of her room to get her younger brother into his bedroom. She knows she must act quickly to make sure he does not get hurt. The commotion continues for several minutes before it becomes quiet. The girl cautiously comes out of…

Video Games Role in Boys Friendships

The teenager rushed into the house after getting home from school. He quickly nodded towards his mom before turning on his Xbox. His mom heard him muttering into a headset, “We need to form an alpha team so we can encircle them.” The teen stayed glued to the screen, playing on his Xbox for the…