An anxious child often worries about things that most children do not and this can affect their grades and/or behavior. They may be reluctant to come to school, know how they did on a test, or even be reluctant to interact with other children. Anxiety can cause a great deal of problems, but there are many forms of treatment to help an anxious child overcome their struggles.

Anxiety that Goes Beyond Normal Worries

“I don’t know if I studied enough,” commented the teenage girl, “I just never can seem to get enough time to study. I barely got in five hours to study for the test last night but that should be enough, shouldn’t it?” Her mother nods in agreement but is getting concerned about her daughter’s behavior.…

Turning Around the Bedtime Battle

The clock strikes eight o’clock and a small shiver goes down the spines of the mom and dad. Shortly the bedtime battle will begin. It is something that both parents dread.  There is always something that delays the kids from going to bed. Either a favorite blanket can’t be found or an overwhelming thirst overtakes…