MindPsi publishes a column in the Richmond Register’s Health Beat Magazine covering various parenting and developmental issues like depression, anxiety, and effective disciplinary practices.

New Year’s Focus on the Importance of Friends

As the clock finishes striking 12 and the ball has dropped in Times Square, a new year begins. Almost immediately after the grand occasion people start to sing Auld Lang Syne.   The song starts, “Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?” The song goes on to focus on the importance of…

Intervene Even if “It’s Just a Phase”

The two year old boy runs over to another child and hits him. He then yanks the toy car away from the other child. When the parent tells the child to give back the toy car, the boy shouts, “No!” The parent grimaces but thinks, “It is just a phase. I am sure it will…