A hyperactive child behaves as if they are driven by a motor and may not be able to sit still or remain calm. They think it, and they do it, without foreseeing the consequences of their behaviors. Unfortunately, they also have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves, which can get them into trouble with other students.

Effect of Various Childhood Trauma on Children’s Behavior

The four year old boy heard the arguing and started scanning for a place to hide. Whenever his mother started arguing with her boyfriend, it wouldn’t be long before she came looking for him. The bruises had finally started to fade from the last time his mother hit him. The boy crept under his bed…

Control Impulsiveness: Have Kids Think Before They Act

The call came from the school to the father’s cell phone. It had happened again. His seven year old son had gotten upset when he had been bumped in the hallway. This time he threw one of his textbooks and hit one of his classmates in the head. It was another example of the son’s…

Cost of Yelling at Kids

“Put that down!” yelled the mother at her four year old daughter. “I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you are pushing my buttons today.” The mother continued to yell at her daughter as she cleaned up the spilled cereal her daughter had been attempting to put into a bowl. Once she had…

Finding Support for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The words were still ringing in the young mother’s ears and she struggled to listen to what else the psychologist was telling her. Despite her best efforts, she could not stop hearing the word “autism”. All at once, many of the mother’s dreams for her child were cast in doubt. Milestones that most parents took…