A hyperactive child behaves as if they are driven by a motor and may not be able to sit still or remain calm. They think it, and they do it, without foreseeing the consequences of their behaviors. Unfortunately, they also have a hard time keeping their hands to themselves, which can get them into trouble with other students.

Avoiding Meltdown through Teachable Moments

A couple of children are playing together in the living room when their mother decides to do a couple of quick chores in the kitchen. A few minutes into doing the dishes, one child is angry and screaming that his brother took his toy. The other child comes into the kitchen shortly afterward crying because…

Teen Help-Seeking for Mental Health Problems

This episode explores where adolescents and young adults go to seek help for mental health issues and what stops them from pursuing services. We are featuring a journal article titled Where would young people seek help for mental disorders and what stops them? The authors surveyed over 3000 Australians between the ages of 15 to…

Kids Video Game Playing Improves Their Minds

It is a Saturday afternoon and the house is quiet except for the flicker of electronic screens as two children are immersed in playing separate video games. If left undisturbed, the children may still be playing several hours later. Many parents are concerned about their children playing video games for so long and the potential…

Difference Between Being Sorry and Punishment

One of the great responsibilities parents have is to get their children to behave well when out in public. If parents succeed, then their children become well-adjusted adults and society views those parents as having done their job well. If they fail, there is a steep cost for parents where condemnation often comes from the…