Both parents and teachers alike are concerned about children who are openly defiant of adult requests. An oppositional child can be argumentative and may deliberately annoy students, siblings, teachers, or whomever they feel like challenging. They may attempt to engage others towards some type of interpersonal confrontation in order to handle internal struggles they are experiencing.

Effect of Various Childhood Trauma on Children’s Behavior

The four year old boy heard the arguing and started scanning for a place to hide. Whenever his mother started arguing with her boyfriend, it wouldn’t be long before she came looking for him. The bruises had finally started to fade from the last time his mother hit him. The boy crept under his bed…

Ripple Effect of Incarceration on Children

The boy only remembers the colorful flashing lights and the sounds of yelling. When he crawled out from under his bed, the boy saw his father being handcuffed and escorted to a police car. It was at that instant when the boy’s life would forever change. His mother could no longer afford to pay the…

Control Impulsiveness: Have Kids Think Before They Act

The call came from the school to the father’s cell phone. It had happened again. His seven year old son had gotten upset when he had been bumped in the hallway. This time he threw one of his textbooks and hit one of his classmates in the head. It was another example of the son’s…