Finding Support for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The words were still ringing in the young mother’s ears and she struggled to listen to what else the psychologist was telling her. Despite her best efforts, she could not stop hearing the word “autism”. All at once, many of the mother’s dreams for her child were cast in doubt. Milestones that most parents took…

Be Aware of Children’s Mental Health

The teacher softly sighed as she raised her voice one more time, “Alex, please sit down and start on your work!” Alex heard the teacher and headed back to his seat to get back to work on his assignment. However, he got distracted by some classmates and headed over to their desks to see what…

Language – When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The baby was babbling as usual until a precious word escaped his mouth, “Mama.” A baby’s first words are one of the major landmarks that parents remember about their child growing up. Babies typically start uttering their first words around 12 months of age. A baby’s first words represent a new way for the baby…