Developing Self-Control for Success

“I am going to give you a marshmallow right now. However, if you can wait until I come back before eating it, I will give you another.” That is the instruction from a classic psychological study referred to as the “marshmallow experiment”. The point of the study was to measure young children’s self-control and see…

Control Impulsiveness: Have Kids Think Before They Act

The call came from the school to the father’s cell phone. It had happened again. His seven year old son had gotten upset when he had been bumped in the hallway. This time he threw one of his textbooks and hit one of his classmates in the head. It was another example of the son’s…

Going Trick or Treating with Kids

“I am going to get so much candy this year. We need to make sure to go to our neighbor’s house first as they always give away a lot of candy,” said the eight year old boy. His four year old sister responded, “Do they really give all that candy? I am scared of that…

Video Games Role in Boys Friendships

The teenager rushed into the house after getting home from school. He quickly nodded towards his mom before turning on his Xbox. His mom heard him muttering into a headset, “We need to form an alpha team so we can encircle them.” The teen stayed glued to the screen, playing on his Xbox for the…