An inattentive child cannot pay attention as it seems every little noise or action gets the child distracted. Sometimes they do not appear to be listening when someone is talking to them or they may be forgetful and have trouble with organization. This inattentiveness can be a result of a variety of struggles or disorders including ADHD and Anxiety.
The family was sitting down to dinner when all of a sudden a loud burp comes out of a little boy. He looks around briefly before he starts giggling. Without skipping a beat, his mother asks, “What are you supposed to say after you burp?” The little boy put his head down and says, “Excuse…
A ping goes off as the mother glances down at her smart phone and notices that her son just lost a behavior point in his class. She makes a mental note to talk him about it when he gets home from school. Later in the day, while the mother is waiting in line, she checks…
The house is alive with a flurry of activity. A young girl is quickly shoving papers into a backpack while her mother is finding her car keys. The girl’s brother still looks slightly dazed as he finishes putting on his clothes while his father exhorts him to get ready to go. In a short-time, the…
The boy had been acting in plays since he was little. He and all of this friends were trying out for the middle school play. The boy was sure he would get the lead due to his previous experience in other plays. Unfortunately when the various parts were posted, the boy was relegated to a…