Both parents and teachers alike are concerned about children who are openly defiant of adult requests. An oppositional child can be argumentative and may deliberately annoy students, siblings, teachers, or whomever they feel like challenging. They may attempt to engage others towards some type of interpersonal confrontation in order to handle internal struggles they are experiencing.

Teasing and Bullying in Grade School

The mother had a sense something was wrong when her second grader came home from school and threw his backpack angrily into a corner. She gently encouraged him to tell her what was wrong. Her son said, “Billy said I was the slowest kid in class in getting my math done even though I am…

Problems When Parents Spank Kids

“I told you to stop doing that!” yelled the mother as she spanked her three year old son’s behind. Her son lets out a yelp and stops what he was doing. The mother does not feel happy that she had to spank her son, but it did get results. The problem is that spanking is…

Lessening Impact of Divorce on Kids

The arguing and strife had a reached a climax and the decision had finally been made by the boy’s parents to get a divorce. Divorce occurs in roughly 40% of all marriages and many divorcing couples have children. The impact of divorce on children can be incredibly disruptive and it can take children years to…