MindPsi can assist children and adolescents from cradle to career and adults in helping to address the problems they are experiencing through a range of services including therapy, testing, and consultation.
Our Psychological Services at a Glance

Some children struggle with the academic work in school while others struggle with some of the behavioral expectations. In order to be able to intervene effectively, a proper assessment of all of the issues should be conducted. This provides a roadmap for providing better services both in the home and at school.

Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a useful approach that can be used to help children reach their fullest potential. Focusing in on particular behaviors in children, these services can be very useful for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, but for children with other disorders as well. Although incredibly beneficial for children, Applied Behavior Analysis can be used to help adults overcome any struggles they may face as well.

Autism Services
A proper diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder is essential to providing exceptional care. In addition to assessments and information for caregivers, our services utilize the evidence-based methods of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We can provide these services in the home, school, or in one of our clinic settings.

Speaking with a professional therapist can provide someone with the support and tools they need to overcome obstacles they face. Our staff offers counseling to address a wide range of presenting concerns or issues for children, adolescents, and adults. We provide a safe and confidential space for all patients to open up and work towards their goals.

Early Years
MindPsi provides services for children in their early years, from birth to preschool. We work closely with parents, often in the home, to address a range of behavioral concerns. These can include difficulties with biting, hitting, throwing temper tantrums, and eating.

For some, meeting in-person on a consistent basis may not be realistic. During the COVID-19 pandemic in-person services have become even less realistic as it is necessary to socially distance. Here at MindPsi we offer Telehealth services to ensure that all people will have the opportunity to receive the care they need in a safe and confidential manner.

Presentations & Webinars
We provide a range of presentations and workshops for schools, educators, parents, and mental health professionals. The presentations can range from an hour presentation to all day workshops on a variety of topics including ADHD, Positive Parenting, Internet Safety, and many others.

School Services
Our Transition Services team are knowledgeable regarding a variety of services including: Special Education services in the schools, Coordinating with schools, community, and other agencies to coordinate services; and Education and guidance to families.