Brain Training Programs and Kids

The advertisements show up on TV and the internet. These ads claim that by doing brain training exercises people can improve their ability to multi-task, pay better attention, and be able to learn and remember more. These types of improvements sound like they would be perfect for students. The area of brain fitness training is…

Kids Need to Eat Breakfast

The house is alive with a flurry of activity. A young girl is quickly shoving papers into a backpack while her mother is finding her car keys. The girl’s brother still looks slightly dazed as he finishes putting on his clothes while his father exhorts him to get ready to go. In a short-time, the…

Grade Retention is a Failing Solution for Children

It had been a bad school year by all accounts for the 3rd grade boy. He had consistently struggled in reading and was getting further behind his classmates. His behavior in the classroom was getting worse as he would yell at the teacher and rip up his work. This resulted in frequently being sent to…