Keeping Communication Lines Open with Teens

“So, how was your day? Anything exciting happen?” asked the mother as she picked up her daughter from school. Her teenage daughter grunted as she got into the car, “Just the usual. Nothing ever happens.” Once the car started moving, the daughter put in her earbuds and started texting with her friends. The mother silently…

Helping Kids Have a Healthy Self-Esteem

The boy looked at his mother and said, “I don’t think I can. I usually mess things up.” The mother sighed and wondered why her son was so reluctant to try new things. She just knew that he could be good at so many things if he would just try. In the situation above, the…

Using Active Listening When Adolescents Speak

After getting home from work, a mother asks her teenage daughter how her day went. Her daughter mumbles about the day going fine. The mother follows-up with a couple of more questions about homework and gets some more vague answers. Since it has been a long day and communication with her daughter doesn’t seem to…