Many children choose to retaliate when they do not like something another child has done. They may slap, bite, pinch, scratch, shove, kick, or knock down other children. Many times they use force because it is the easiest way to get what they want. They also may model aggressive behaviors from others.

Sleep Problems in Urban Minority Children

This episode focuses on sleep problems in urban, minority early school-aged children. We are featuring a journal article this week titled Sleep problems in urban, minority, early-school-aged children. The authors used 160 mostly Latino parents that lived in urban areas and asked them about the level of sleep problems their 5 to 6 year old…

Difference Between Being Sorry and Punishment

One of the great responsibilities parents have is to get their children to behave well when out in public. If parents succeed, then their children become well-adjusted adults and society views those parents as having done their job well. If they fail, there is a steep cost for parents where condemnation often comes from the…

Corporal Punishment at Home

This week’s episode looks at home corporal punishment is done in the homes of young children. We are featuring a journal article this week titled Eavesdropping on the family: A pilot investigation of corporal punishment in the home. The authors used audio recorders to monitor 33 mothers with young children during the early evening hours…