Other children do not like to talk to the rejected child and a rejected child often has difficulties talking to others as well. When they try, they think that something will work and make them popular but it usually results in further distancing by the other children. This child may react with aggression or seem down and lonely as a result.

The Emotions of Inside Out

“Hey mom! Look at me. I am a flying purple elephant,” said the five year old. His mother glanced up and shook her head in wonder at what her child would come up with next. Many parents wonder why their children’s behavior can be so unpredictable and sometimes bizarre. If only there was a way…

Helping Kids Have a Healthy Self-Esteem

The boy looked at his mother and said, “I don’t think I can. I usually mess things up.” The mother sighed and wondered why her son was so reluctant to try new things. She just knew that he could be good at so many things if he would just try. In the situation above, the…

Be Aware of Children’s Mental Health

The teacher softly sighed as she raised her voice one more time, “Alex, please sit down and start on your work!” Alex heard the teacher and headed back to his seat to get back to work on his assignment. However, he got distracted by some classmates and headed over to their desks to see what…

Resilience: Learning to Overcome Life’s Obstacles

The boy had been acting in plays since he was little. He and all of this friends were trying out for the middle school play. The boy was sure he would get the lead due to his previous experience in other plays. Unfortunately when the various parts were posted, the boy was relegated to a…