Rarely hands in homework, doesn’t care about schoolwork, and distracting other children are common characteristics of an unmotivated child. An unmotivated child may have underlying problems that are causing their lack of motivation and difficulties for parents and schools.

Teen Help-Seeking for Mental Health Problems

This episode explores where adolescents and young adults go to seek help for mental health issues and what stops them from pursuing services. We are featuring a journal article titled Where would young people seek help for mental disorders and what stops them? The authors surveyed over 3000 Australians between the ages of 15 to…

Kids Video Game Playing Improves Their Minds

It is a Saturday afternoon and the house is quiet except for the flicker of electronic screens as two children are immersed in playing separate video games. If left undisturbed, the children may still be playing several hours later. Many parents are concerned about their children playing video games for so long and the potential…

Using Active Listening When Adolescents Speak

After getting home from work, a mother asks her teenage daughter how her day went. Her daughter mumbles about the day going fine. The mother follows-up with a couple of more questions about homework and gets some more vague answers. Since it has been a long day and communication with her daughter doesn’t seem to…

School Refusal: Kids Don’t Want to Go to School

“My tummy and head hurts. I don’t think I can go to school. I should probably stay home with you”, plead the little boy to his mother. “Honey, I know you don’t feel good but you need to try to go”, replied his mother. “But my head hurts! It is just pounding! I can’t go…