Brain Training Programs and Kids

The advertisements show up on TV and the internet. These ads claim that by doing brain training exercises people can improve their ability to multi-task, pay better attention, and be able to learn and remember more. These types of improvements sound like they would be perfect for students. The area of brain fitness training is…

Intervene Even if “It’s Just a Phase”

The two year old boy runs over to another child and hits him. He then yanks the toy car away from the other child. When the parent tells the child to give back the toy car, the boy shouts, “No!” The parent grimaces but thinks, “It is just a phase. I am sure it will…

Section 504 and School Accommodations

A couple of years before, a boy had suffered a severe concussion in a car accident. Fortunately he appeared to recover fully and has been doing fairly well in his schoolwork. However, his parents are beginning to notice that their son is starting to struggle in completing his work and has become more inattentive. His…