❏ Adolescence can be an important time in one’s life as the transition from childhood to adulthood begins. Yet, it is also a time of social and physical change which can be challenging for the adolescent and parents. Fortunately there is a plethora of literature that addresses some of these challenges as well as provides tips for a healthy relationship between parents and adolescents.

Using Active Listening When Adolescents Speak

After getting home from work, a mother asks her teenage daughter how her day went. Her daughter mumbles about the day going fine. The mother follows-up with a couple of more questions about homework and gets some more vague answers. Since it has been a long day and communication with her daughter doesn’t seem to…

Homeschool Teens and Risky Behavior

This episode focuses on the status of homeschooled adolescents and their engagement in risky behaviors. We are featuring a journal article this week titled Homeschooled adolescents in the United States. The author noted how public schools have broadened their mission beyond academics to also address risk behaviors such as substance use, delinquency, and socialization problems.…

Section 504 and School Accommodations

A couple of years before, a boy had suffered a severe concussion in a car accident. Fortunately he appeared to recover fully and has been doing fairly well in his schoolwork. However, his parents are beginning to notice that their son is starting to struggle in completing his work and has become more inattentive. His…

Suicide Risks Change Throughout High School

This episode focuses on how risk factors for suicide change in high school depending on the adolescent’s grade. We are featuring a journal article this week titled Differences in risk factors for suicide attempts among 9th and 11th grade youth. The authors wanted to find out if the risk factors for suicide attempts change as…