MindPsi publishes a column in the Richmond Register’s Health Beat Magazine covering various parenting and developmental issues like depression, anxiety, and effective disciplinary practices.
“Come quick, I think he is about to say it again!” said the father as he frantically gestured for his wife to come by the baby. The baby boy looked up at both is parents and said, “Da-da”. Both parents looked excitedly at each other and in unison said, “His first word!” Many infants say…
“Go ahead, it just relaxes you and makes everything seem alright” said the teen as he passed the joint to another teen. The other teen looked at the joint reluctantly and then said, “I would, but my parents would totally freak out. You don’t understand how dead I would be if they ever found out.”…
Witches, ghouls, and black cats prowl through the night looking for the next house to enter. There are people screaming and others running around the streets with bags in their hands containing their ill-gotten gains. All around are masked people and nothing looks familiar as the night begins to descend leaving only the glow of…
The clock strikes eight o’clock and a small shiver goes down the spines of the mom and dad. Shortly the bedtime battle will begin. It is something that both parents dread. There is always something that delays the kids from going to bed. Either a favorite blanket can’t be found or an overwhelming thirst overtakes…