MindPsi publishes a column in the Richmond Register’s Health Beat Magazine covering various parenting and developmental issues like depression, anxiety, and effective disciplinary practices.

Ensuring Children Develop a Habit Brushing Teeth

“Are you sure you brushed your teeth?” the father asked his son. His son solemnly nodded. His father said, “Let me smell your breath.” The son obligingly opened his mouth. Finally, the father said, “I need to check and see if your toothbrush is wet.” This type of exchange happens in many households as children…

Grade Retention is a Failing Solution for Children

It had been a bad school year by all accounts for the 3rd grade boy. He had consistently struggled in reading and was getting further behind his classmates. His behavior in the classroom was getting worse as he would yell at the teacher and rip up his work. This resulted in frequently being sent to…